Sending us Art Files

We can work with just about any high quality image file (.JPG, .PNG, .TIF, .PSD). Most images that are found on the internet are too low quality to enlarge for a t-shirt. Vector art files like Adobe Illustrator (.AI .EPS and .PDF) are preferred.
You can upload your logo or design using the form below or email to us. For larger file please compress them. Artwork files for t-shirts do not need to be massive. Anything over 10MB is probably too big, and anything under 1MB is too small. 

Please provide us with your personal details.

Please upload your artwork here.

We will be receiving your files shortly.

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  • Upload
  • Complete Submission

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Upload Files

Upload 1st File

Max. size: 4.0 MB

Upload 2nd File (if needed)

Max. size: 4.0 MB

Upload 3rd File (if needed)

Max. size: 4.0 MB

Upload 4th File (if needed)

Max. size: 4.0 MB

Please click submit button below

We will be getting back to you shortly. If you need to submit more files or have any concerns please contact us.